2 fl. oz.
Temporarily relieves symptoms due to overgrowth of Candida/yeast: yeast infections, intestinal upset, bloating.
Provides Support for the Following:
- Yeast or Fungal Overgrowth
- Candida Albicans Infections
- Fatigue
- Congestion
- Headaches
- Indigestion
- Poor Bowel Functions
- Achy Joints
- Poor Memory
- Sensitive Emotions
- Changing Moods
- Mold Sensitivity
Directions: Hold close to mouth and spray 1 dose under the tongue preferably or into mouth.
- Adult Dose- 3 sprays 3x daily
- Child Dose (2yrs – 12yrs) - 2 Sprays 2 times daily
- Infant Dose (newborn – 2yrs) - 1 Spray up to 2 times daily
Indications for Use: For yeast or fungal overgrowths in both male and female, and candida albicans infections, and the symptoms of fatigue, congestion, headaches, indigestion, poor bowel functions, achy joints, poor memory, sensitive emotions, changing moods and mold sensitivity.
Ingredients: Official HPUS: Abies Nigra, Antimonium Crudum, Asafoetida, Baptisia Tinctoria, Borax, Candida Albicans, Lachesis Mutus, Phytolacca Decandra, Pulsatilla, Phosphoricum Acidum, Sticta Pulmonaria, Sulphur, Thuja Occ. Equal volumes of each ingredient in a Bio-Energetically enhanced pure water base: 12x, 30x, & LM1 potency, Biophoticile TM. Non-GMO.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products or statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is for educational purposes and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and before starting a new treatment.